Let's talk about dancing for a second. Because whether or not we admit everyone loves to dance. You may like to get down in the clubs every weekend. You may prefer letting loose in the comfort of your living room while listening to your favorite artist. You may know every choreographed move to MJ's 'Thriller.' Or you may just act like you know every choreographed move to 'Thriller.' Regardless of how or when it happens you might as well just admit it - you kind of love it.
Now let's talk about work for a second. Even the best jobs can sometimes feel tiring endless or stressful. Sometimes you just need a break. A dancing break. And with an UpDesk standing desk anytime is a good time for a dance party. Here are some of our favorite dance moves to keep you moving and grooving at your UpDesk:
Sometimes all it takes to get your energy back at work is a quick 'Vogue' pose or two. Madonna may have invented this classic move but with some help from Tina Fey you too can master the art of face-framing and get your dance on at your stand up desk.
Okay. If Mr. Rogers can do it you can definitely can too. You're already standing at your desk...why not pop-and-lock it while you're at it? Just act like you're stretching out your shoulders after being bent over a computer all day...no one in the office even has to know about your sneaky standing desk skillz.
Play that UpDesk like you're Elton John at the piano! And if you really want to get serious you can easily lower your height adjustable desk take a seat and start a 'Tiny Dancer' sing-along in your office. Extra points for mirroring those facial expressions.
If the idea of dancing in the middle of your office seems like the worst idea ever just remember this: you've probably already started a standing desk revolution at your office - why not start a dancing revolution too? So don't be ashamed and just keep on dancing tiny dancer.