Will a Standing Desk Actually Improve Your Health?
The couch potato lifestyle has become an epidemic the world over in developed countries. From sitting in front of the tv, sitting at meals, sitting in the car, bus, or subway, to sitting almost all day at an office, many people spend the majority of their days sitting down. But...

How to Spark Joy in Your Office Using the KonMari Method
Have you watched Tidying UP on Netflix? It’s a new series based off of professional organizer Marie Kondo’s very specific method of cleaning up your home, also known as the KonMari Method. But what about your office? Here are a few ways you can spark joy in your office, no...

Why the UPDESK Home is the Best Standing Desk for the Classroom
There is a lot of compelling research that suggests that standing desks help students and teachers alike and can potentially improve classroom performance. Ideally, the perfect standing desk will allow a user to move from a seated to standing position (and back to seated), with minimal disruption, whenever the body...

The Best Standing Desk for Local Government Employees Isn't Exactly What You’d Think
Are you a local government employee who is interested in the benefits of a standing desk? The good news is that there are a lot of wonderful options out on the market. But the bad news is that not every option is equally beneficial and, as you know, often limited...

UPDESK’s Bluetooth Smart Desk Controller May Be More Powerful Than You Think
The UPDESK Bluetooth Smart Desk Controller (that comes standard on all UPDESK Pro series standing desks) can increase usage by 74% and can increase time spent standing by 62%. Actually ‘Using’ Your Standing DeskOne of the things that we hear most often here at UPDESK from corporate leadership and human...

3 Easy Changes to Help Local Government Employees Have Healthier Lifestyle
If you serve your local government, you know that the tasks on your to do list seem to be never ending. You also know that sometimes those endless tasks make it difficult to prioritize, let alone think about, your own health during the workday. While you may have some health...

How to Set Up a Classroom to Help Students Focus
No matter what population you’re teaching, did you know that there are several things that you can do in your physical classroom to help students focus and help create higher rates of participation? Talk to school administrators about what options you have, but also consider how you might employ some...

4 Things Teachers Can Do to Address Back Pain
If you’re a teacher, you know that back pain is an issue that is commonly associated with your job. Although you might not be stuck at a desk all day like some professionals, you’re still at your desk for extended amounts of time and on your feet for long periods...

Top 6 Government Employee Benefits Around the World
If you’re a government employee, you may enjoy several benefits that make a significant difference in your life whether that’s a standing desk, utilizing an employee assistance program, or anything in between. But have you ever wondered what some of the top government employee benefits are around the world and...

5 Ways Employers Can Support Healthy Lifestyles
It’s no secret that employees who are happy and feel supported are often more loyal to their employers and produce better results in the long run. While more and more employers are beginning to recognize the benefits of caring for their employees’ healthy lifestyles, they often don’t know where to...