Did you know standing at your desk is just one of the many great ways you can create a healthy and balanced life? In today's world of technology gizmos and gadgets it's practically impossible to not live a healthy life. Here are some of UpDesk's favorite tech gadgets to maximize the health benefits of a stand up desk.
FitBit - Wondering what the deal is with those slim little wristbands that everyone seems to be wearing? Welcome to the FitBit revolution. FitBit bands (and other wearable fitness and activity trackers) are a great way to monitor everything from the number of steps you take each day to the quality of sleep you get each night. And all your stats sync with FitBit's powerful reporting dashboard so you can see your trends discover even better ways to be healthy and track your progress. This gem is a perfect compliment to a stand up desk helping you stay on track even when you're away from your desk.
MyFitnessPal - We've mentioned this one before but it bears repeating because MyFitnessPal is awesome. Not only does this handy mobile and desktop app help you easily count everything from calories to sodium to sugars it also let's you record all your daily exercise. You can set weight and wellness goals within the app and it will give you a set number of calories to consume per day. Then it will automatically deduct calories as you track what you eat...or if you hit the gym and burn those calories it adds them back to your daily allowance - sometimes you can have your cake and eat it too.
Computer Glasses - Computer glasses (like Gunnars) are glasses specially designed to help prevent and lessen the eyestrain that comes from staring at a computer (or iPhone) all day. They're tinted with a yellow lens to offset the blueish glow that comes from monitors. Sure they may look a little weird but they're totally worth it to keep your eyes relaxed your vision clear and your headaches at bay. And since almost 70% of adults who regularly use tablets computers or anything with a screen are currently affected by symptoms of eyestrain computer glasses are totally worth the fact that people might always be asking if your glasses are a bit smudged. Pair computer glasses with your height adjustable desk (or desktop standing solution) and you'll be an unstoppable force of productivity all day long.
UpDesk App - The brand new UpDesk App may just be the best gadget to help you capitalize on all the benefits of your stand up desk - it is made by your favorite standing desk company after all. While the FitBit tracks your steps and MyFitnessPal tracks your calories the UpDesk App tracks your time spent sitting and standing each day. The app allows you to create a schedule for yourself each day so you'll always know when to sit when to stand and when to have a stand up desk dance party (okay you may have to remember that one on your own). Plus it helps you track how many calories you're burning just by stretching those legs and straightening that back by standing while you work. And the best part is the UpDesk App is totally free! Download it from the App Store on iTunes and start living the standing desk dream today.