Clark Buckner represents Nashville's TechnologyAdvice and they're known to provide expert comparisons of customer relationship management platforms customer loyalty plans innovative training game strategies and much more. Additionally they're involved with several technology conferences across the country.

I recently had the opportunity to chat with Buckner about the importance of social media listening and the steps I've taken to make UpDesk a successful business venture.

Here are the 7 key strategies I've identified for achieving success in social media:

1. Find a need then create a relevant product and/or service.

2. Listen to your target audience.

3. Engage your target audience through social media and content creation.

4. Pinpoint tastemakers within your market.

5. Explore niches.

6. Develop a unique culture and community.

7. Stay innovative.

Listen to the entire interview below and find out how you can apply some (if not all) of these techniques in your own business environment:

    For more information on TechnologyAdvice visit or follow them on Twitter @Technology_Adv. Connect with Clark Buckner on Twitter @ClarkBuckner.

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