How Your UpDesk Preference Can Help Us Predict Your Coffee Preference

Let's talk about your taste. First of all we know you have good taste when it comes to office furniture because you have an UpDesk standing desk. And if you don't you should. Okay now that we've got that out of the way let's go a little deeper. We think...

How These Three Famous Creative People Would’Ve Used Standing Desks

I stumbled across an article that chronicled the habits of great writers. One of the things that stuck out to me was how each one had a unique routine and that got me thinking about how much they would have loved writing at a standing desk. From Charles Bukowski who...

The Psychological Benefits Of Doodling At Your Desk

Doodling is fun especially when you're sitting at your office desk doodling instead of working. After all doodling is more fun than working. Now if only we had some sort of scientific proof that doodling actually made us more effective at our jobs... Hold on just a minute. We do....

Dear Kamron: Can My Computer Desk Ever Be Too Trendy?

This is the fourth column in the lauded "Dear Kamron" series in which Kamron discusses office desks office politics and other work-related issues. This week Kamron takes questions about trends in office furniture. As always names and details are completely fictional except the details about UpDesks. Those details are completely...

It's All About You: Customizing Your UpDesk Standing Desk

Your office desk is your home away from home unless you work from home in which case it's your home AT home. Either way many of us spend a big portion of our day working at our computer desks. Here are a few ways you can customize your office to...

The Best Office Pranks For Your UpDesk Standing Desk

At UpDesk we make cutting edge computer desks. But we're not the kind of company that's all work and no play. Like many classic adages this one has merit. Having fun at work is an important (and healthy) part of increasing productivity and more and more successful corporations are jumping on the bandwagon....

Dear Kamron: How To Accessorize Your Standing Desk

This is the third column in the lauded "Dear Kamron" series in which Kamron discusses office desks office politics and other work-related issues. This week Kamron takes questions about the best accessories for standing desks. As always names and details are completely fictional except the details about UpDesks. Those details...

Newburyport Elementary Uses Standing Desks To Improve Student Focus

Being productive while at your computer desk is one of the most important parts of working in an office (except during March Madness when basketball is the biggest priority). The American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine wrote that Americans lose 11-14% of their productivity-potential each day. Moving between a sitting position...

Why The UpDesk Standing Desk Is The New Moleskine Notebook

An UpDesk isn't just another standing desk just like a Moleskine notebook isn't just another notebook. That's because an UpDesk (and a Moleskine notebook) both make important statements. But what kind of a statement do they make? Let's set the stage: You sit down for a meeting with a potential...

Differences In Desk Leg Quality Between Standing Desk Brands

When you're shopping for a new standing desk there are several things to consider. The physical styling of an office desk is important as is the functionality. And of course you're going to think about price. Those things are pretty obvious. But here's a thought that's a little less obvious....